Greetings from your tailors in Thailand.
Please be kind enough to fill in the form hereunder with concise specifications in regards to any measurements changes you would like to see in your future orders.
Please ignore the fields that do not apply.
Should a particular measurement be correct, please do not fill in its respective field.
IMPORTANT---the measurements submitted during the order placement process have been added allowances to, for comfort and to incorporate your very personal preferences as to how the garment should fit. Hence, please do not use exact measurements values for the changes but specify by how much you feel the finished size should be increased/decreased by so that your finished sizes on file can be adjusted accordingly.
Note-if previously submitted sizes ( from a previous order ) have been used for this order, please fill in this form only if any additional changes are required.
Tip-having filled in this form please save it on your computer before sending it to us as an attachment. Alternatively please select File/Send to/mail recipient from the word menu and select 'send as attachment' after having filled this form in and saved it.
I look forward to an early response and thanking you, I remain, with best regards,
Ravi, your E-Tailor.