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My Custom Tailor What Is The Super Grade Of A Business Suit

You may find a Super grade on the label inside your business suit or work suit. This will typically read Super 100's, Super 110's, and Super 150's and so on. But what does it mean? It is an international code developed by the International Wool Textile Organization for fabrics made from at least 95% new wool. The wools can be mixed with non-wool components as well as other wools including cashmere and mohair. It was designed to help consumers understand the fabrics used to create clothing. Understanding what the codes mean can help to determine the expected lifetime of custom made men's suits or an off the rack business suit or work suit.

The number element of the code is based on the maximum fiber diameter. The higher the number, the smaller the diameter is of the fibers that comprise the fabric. Therefore, the higher the number element of the Super grade code, the finer the cloth is, and conversely, the lower the number the thicker and coarser the cloth is.

Custom made men's suits made from these higher numbered grades will surely look silkier and more refined and will also feel more expensive, lavish and plush. However, the finer the fabric is, the shorter the lifetime of the suit will be. Finer fabrics are not as durable and tough as thicker fabrics. Custom made men's suits in finer fabrics are usually therefore those for special occasions; weddings, very formal social gatherings, a business suit for important occasions, and such similar events. Thicker fabrics will generally be used for a frequent wear and every day work suit. Thicker cloths do not always lead to a coarse feel, and often only a skilled eye and hand can truly tell the difference between the grades.

Knowing this can help you decide which textiles are best for your custom made men's suits, taking into account the suit's purpose, the amount of times you hope to wear it, the length of time you expect it to last for, and the cost. Experienced and skilled professional tailors can assist you when choosing the most appropriate fabrics for a work suit, business suit, wedding suit, casual suit or any other kind of suit that you wish to purchase.

A great thing to also be aware of when trying to understand the super grade of a business suit would be thread count in fabric for your dress shirts. This is because a great shirt can make a business suit look incredibly classy and sophisticated, plus you will know which suit to pair with which shirt. You might think that the term thread count is simply a marketing ploy that linen companies and custom clothing tailors use to make Egyptian cotton and Italian cottons sound more luxurious and fancy. But it is really a scientific term, with quite strict federal standards on how those threads are counted­. Technically speaking, thread count means the number of threads woven together in a square inch. To count them you need to count lengthwise and widthwise threads. So 100 lengthwise threads woven with 100 widthwise threads produce a thread count of 200.­Thread count has simply become a buzz word for marketing luxury sheets, shirts and other woven fabric goods. The idea is the finer threads you can weave together, the softer and finer the fabric.  If you are trying to find the perfect set of formal dress shirts, we think you will be amazed at how much of a difference thread count can make. As a universal rule, the higher the thread count, the more luxurious the fabric in custom dress shirts and clothing as a whole. That said, lower thread counts also have a place in the home, and offer practical, easy care options. Understanding the basics when it comes to thread count will help you make a smart choice that suits your life, your home and of course, your budget.

Now that we have established exactly what thread count is, it is time to explore what that number means for your fabric choices. The thread count of a custom dress shirt will need to vary based upon the event that the shirt is being worn to. There are certain fabrics that are appropriate for formal wear, and others are designed to be worn in a more casual setting. But well before we get in to the best fabrics for different shirts there are a few things you might want to know such as the difference between 2-ply and single ply, plus the different kinds of fabrics you will find in dress shirts. The formal wear that you wear for special occasions should be some of the most luxurious items in your wardrobe. Make your thread count decisions based on those fabrics that will be the softest options possible. Silk is always an appropriate option for formal wear especially a nice formal dress shirt. The fabric is soft and the slight sheen adds a glamorous twist. Fabrics for your business style dress shirts need to be softer than those fabrics that you use for your casual style, but not as soft and luxurious as those fabrics that are used for formal wear. Remember when you are selecting the fabrics that are going to be used to make your business dress shirts will be part of what people use to form their opinion of you on. It is important that your business wardrobe is used to help guide your career. The thread count that is used in your casual shirts need to be chosen based on the level of activity that you engage in during your spare time. If you are extremely active, then you choose a fabric that will breathe well and allow you to move freely.

Custom dress shirts come in multiple styles and multiple fabric options. As you begin to make your selections and create your designs, remember the guidelines for which fabrics are most appropriate for each event. Design a variety of options that will serve you in every social situation. All of these options mean that the custom dress shirt has become the new black in terms of style.


As well as providing expert advice and guidance, My Custom Tailor can provide samples of the different fabrics. This means that you can feel the cloth before making a final decision.

After you have decided on the cloth to be used to create your new custom made men's suits, you are free to think about the style, colors and design features to really personalize your new garments. Knowing the expected lifetime of your suit can be invaluable when deciding whether to opt for a traditional and timeless style and design, which will be good for the years to come, or whether to make more of a statement and chose a modern and more contemporary work suit that may well go out of fashion over the forthcoming years.

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