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My Custom Tailor Tailor Made Hemp Suits For Men

We are excited to report that we just created our very First custom made suit in Hemp! - it is pure hemp - very environmentally friendly material - takes less fresh water than cotton to grow - the hemp plant has all of the plant used for product and so is zero waste - hemp fabric is 100% recyclable!

As a matter of fact, this is the very first custom made hemp suit in the whole world!

More information on the environmental benefits of the hemp plant can be found here

The suit feels, fits and drapes like linen. It has the same weight and almost the same texture as linen fabric and also breathes just like linen.

The Hemp suit can be ordered for men or for women and can be custom made in any style or design of the client's choice.

Contact us to order your very own custom made hemp suits.

The style that we made and the drape of the suit can be seen on our Pinterest page at this link. The construction of the suit itself has been done according to our tailor made mens suit construction standards that is used for all of our custom suits.

We made the first one a mens suit in a single breasted three button jacket style with patch upper and lower pockets, notch lapels finished with saddle stitching. There is a center vent at the back and to make the look very tropical, we made it with a half belt at the back.
The sleeves have two working buttons done with keyhole buttonholes and the pants are double pleated with cuffs.
All the seams are done with double stitching for a hint of 'safari
The inside of the jacket is half lined at the back. It has four inner pocket and light canvas construction with very light padding so it is absolutely perfect for summer!

The complete suit took us six weeks to complete counting from the time we received the fabric in our workshop.

This project was done in cooperation with one of our owner's friends Tyler of Hemp Aware fame. Tyler is a big fan of hemp and uses it in his everyday life as much as possible. He wanted us to create a custom made hemp suit to see how it works and needless to say, the results were outstanding.

As a custom tailoring company, we are delighted to join in the effort to save our environment and protect the earth from the ravages of man and this first effort in trying to change what people dress in, will most definitely not be our last.

Many years ago hemp/marijuana was unjustly banned. However, hemp has recently been rediscoverd as a plant that has enormous environmental, economic, and commercial potential.Some of the biggest advantages of using hemp for our needs as much as possible, particularly when it comes to the environment are:

  • The Hemp plant produces the most amount of paper per acre when compared to all other plants and grasses. It takes only four months for hemp to be ready for harvesting for paper, compared to twenty to fourty years for trees to be mature enough for the same purpose.
  • Less Chemicals are needed in the growing of hemp thereby making hemp agriculture a much much more environmentally friendly project.
  • Hemp can be substituted for cotton and can be used for all products where cotton is used. Hemp can grow in all kinds of climates compared to cotton which can only grow in warm climates. This makes hemp cultivation a easier on the land.
  • Cotton takes four times more fresh water to grown compared to hemp!
  • The hemp fiber is fifty times stronger than cotton fiber and can be used for everything from clothing to soap to cosmetics … the list is endless.
  • Cotton needs a lot of herbicides, pesticides and fertilizer while hemp hardly needs any. This makes hemp humongously better for the Earth! Fifty percent more pesticide is used in cotton growing than hemp growing.
  • Hemp can also be used as a substitute for wood! Bricks made from hemp are stronger than wood and can be made much more cheaply compared to the use of wood. This reduces building costs and saves trees too!
  • Hemp seeds are eatable and extremely nutritious. It contains high protein oils that can be consumed by animals and humans. Hemp protein can be derived less expensively than soybean protein and can be used in all of the ways soybean is used. Butter, cheese, to-fu, salad oils, lubricating oils, paints, varnishes etc can all be made from hemp seeds.
  • Almost all hemp derived products are recyclable, degrade quickly in the environment and is non poisonous.
  • Hemp is less stressful for the soil and produces a lot more biomass which in turn can be used for biofuels. Hemp biomass has the potential to supply all of the energy needs of the whole of the United States of America!

In all fact, hemp is a super crop indeed and now, we can also add one more use for Hemp - Custom Suits!

New technologies have been developed to process and use and re-use hemp. These technologies now enable the use of each and every bit and piece of the hemp plant resulting in almost zero waste. Believe it or not, there are over thirty five thousand products that can be made from hemp and the list is growing each year. An unbeatable claim for sure!

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