Custom Suits and Shirts for Men and Women
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Our Tailors is Visiting your city this month! Get fitted by our Expert Master Tailors! Order Custom made Suits, Custom Tailored Shirts, Blazers, Coats more. Hand Made in latest styles & colors you love! Customized by our expert craftsmen for the perfect fit. See our Tailoring Trunkshow schedule or Make an Appointment with the Tailor today!

Search for a Fabric

Please choose one or more criteria from those indicated hereunder when doing a search for an ideal fabric:
You can refine and define searches by using various different search criteria combinations
You can also type in the fabric number directly into the requisite field if you already know the fabric you would like to search for or
you can use search keywords for a list of fabrics you might be most interested in.

= View Fabric Glossary =

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To do a search of fabrics available in a specific colour required, please use the search function below..

Colour Specific Search

This page will help you in locating ideal fabrics as per your specific conditions or personal tastes. It is also useful as a quick reference of the characteristics of each of the fabrics in our stock, showing fabric characteristics, such as weight or grade or pattern. For more specific searches, you can type in the fabric ID or keywords which are part of the fabric name, such as super 100, super 120, super 130, windowpane, etc.

To find out if we have a particular color, select a collection from the menu on the left and then choose a category of item and a style. After doing this, you will see a list of fabrics available and by clicking on the link of each of the fabrics, you will see a list of colors that the fabric is available in.

You can order sample fabric swatches or a Digital Catalogue of all our products on CD HERE!

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